Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Document type code: Where is it on standard transactions screens?

Yeah, this happened to me... Sometimes, when executing some standard transactions like Sales Order (VA03), Billing Invoice (VF03) or Purchase Order (ME23N),  for example, I noticed that the document type code was not displayed on the matchcode, only its description. 


Customize Local Layout button
I have to confess that I did not remember where this configuration was immediately on the first times. To display both document type code and description, we only need to change a parameter through the “Customize Local Layout” button (Alt + F12). 
Menu Interaction Design - Visualization 1
On Menu Interaction Design-Visualization 1, select the options “Show keys within dropdown lists” and “Sort by keys…” and then press the buttons “Apply” and “OK”. 

Reopen the corresponding transaction in order to refresh the screen. Now we can see both document type and description on the matchcode. 

F2 - Invoice

Well, I am not sure if I could be able to write another post before Christmas, so have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh no… My computer is sick!

Sometimes the computer does not answer as we would like and when this occurs, there are some tools that could help us to improve its performance. They are CCleaner and Defraggler.  

My computer is sickCCleaner is a freeware cleaning tool that removes unused files like recycle bin, recent documents, temporary files, log files, clipboard, history, cookies, autocomplete form history and so on, allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space.
CCleaner - System Optimization

Defragger is a freeware tool that defragments free space on computer, allowing reducing the time it takes to load programs and open files, as well as writing new files and also helping to prevent new files from being fragmented.
Defraggler - Ultimate Disk and File Defrag

Opening a parenthesis, learning German is already a reality and I am really enjoying it. This language has some peculiarities that make it more interesting and fascinating.

Just to finish, I would like to thank my “Little Picasso” who designed the computer's sick face specially for this post .

See you.

Friday, November 8, 2013

A very simple tip about customization: Good to know

Sometimes I had been asked to “debug the standard” for different reasons (and who was not?) and it was one of these times that I discover it is possible to navigate to the Customizing Menu (SPRO) through SM30 transaction by entering the corresponding SAP table and clicking on Customizing button (you can specify a project or not):

SM30-Customizing button

That’s all, it displays the point where you can customize it:

In my case, I needed to find why a specific standard transaction was not behaving as expected. So, debugging a Formula Condition Value (t-code VOFM) I found out a standard table that, in the first case had records but in the second case, there were no records. So, entering this table on SM30, we identified that some customization points were still missing.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CRM_ORDER_READ is all that you can’t leave behind in SAP CRM

By my own experience, I can say that dealing with short time can be a little bit frequent when working in an IT Project, and this time would not be different…

I had to develop a report in order to display all the CRM opportunities data, including the text note. It was my first CRM Report and when I saw all the tables that I needed to access to retrieve data, I thought: “Oh no, it is impossible, there is not enough time to deliver it on time!” So, I took a deep breath and reflect: “certainly there must be a function module that brings all this information” and bingo! It exists and its name is “CRM_ORDER_READ”. All I need to inform is the GUID field, retrieved by CRMD_ORDERADM_H table taking into account the opportunity process it retrieves all the information related to it, including the text lines that was so crucial in this report. 

Do you need to know the status of the order (in my case, the opportunity)? Use CRM_ORDER_READ! Do you need to know about the prices? Don’t think twice, CRM_ORDER_READ! Do you need to know the Customer data? Guess what? CRM_ORDER_READ! Do you need to know the text description field? CRM_ORDER_READ! Do you need to know the Sales Organization description? CRM_ORDER_READ! This function module retrieves us this kind of information and many others. All we have to do is inform in the function module the tables we want to display.

Another important point to comment is that we cannot execute a single test for this function module in transaction SE37 but there is a program that replaces this missing option and its name is… (Suspense music in background) CRM_ORDER_READ! Yeah! This program offers us the possibility to enter the parameters, that are nothing more and nothing less than the import parameters of the function module CRM_ORDER_READ, and then displays the results that correspond to the export parameters.

CRM_ORDER_READ Selection-Screen
Here is an example of the program execution and, in detail, the Note Text retrieve in LINES of ET_TEXT table:


Well, that's all for now. I really hope this information be useful for you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This just remembered me that I need to study German…

As my nephew Adriano Juras said, “It is not necessary to know German to understand this picture” and ops… I just remembered that I need to pass the first lesson of my German Course. Why do I decide to learn German? Well, it is a large history but I’m going to try to summarize it because I have no intention to write a book right now.  

I studied Information Technology and, like most of the people, I didn’t get a job in my area. My first job was as a trainee in the exchange area at Banco do Brasil in São Paulo, Brazil. So, as my bank experience was the only experience that I could put on my curriculum, guess what? I got a job at Bank of Boston in São Paulo, specifically at exchange area. I tried to work in my area in this same bank but I didn’t get the opportunity. Never mind, I’m going to skip this part. Sometime later, I got the opportunity to design some HTML pages of “SP Guia”, a guide of São Paulo’s City. HTML was just in the beginning, it was pure HTML code with some animated gifs. I remember that I used to use HotDog Web Editor and Gif Animator software for developing web pages. 

Every Sundays I used to buy the newspapers looking for a job and one day I finally found a vacant as a trainee at Sisdam Technology, an argentine company that was opening a branch in São Paulo. I remember that I took to the job interview a portfolio with the HTML pages I had developed and one day, Pablo Born, Sisdam’s Director, confessed me that hired me because of that portfolio (probably my job interview was not so good). Sisdam trained us on Lotus Notes Administration and Lotus Notes Development and with the support of Argentine Team we started developing and maintaining Lotus Notes applications. I really have very good memories of that time; I admit that I am a Lotus Notes fan.

After working at Sisdam, I worked at Hospital Albert Einstein, also with Lotus Notes but they didn’t use Lotus Notes as an e-mail solution and there were rumors that all Lotus Notes applications would be migrated to others solutions. So, after working with Lotus Notes for 4 years, they decided to transfer me to a new IT area that would be responsible for Internet and, in 2004 SAP R/3 and SAP Portal were implemented at Hospital Albert Einstein.

In 2005, after thinking and thinking, my husband and I decided to live in Spain. Already in Seville I got a job at Coritel by my experience with SAP Portal. But, there were much more projects for Abap than SAP Portal and consequently, I had to learn abap, which in my opinion, is different of everything I had seen before. One day, a friend of mine told me that would be great if we could read all the code comments written in German so, I thought: “that’s it, why not” and looking at this SLIN Screen of a CRM environment which language logon is Spanish, just encourage me and reinforce the idea of learning German.

I finish this post with the phrase: I need to start, I need to start!

Bye till the next post.